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Is there any way to extract nodes from only a certain country.

I've used XAPI to do this but that uses a bounding box [bbox]. This is OK but suppose I only want nodes from the UK and not the Republic of Ireland. In this case the square bbox will inevitably rope in Republic of Ireland nodes when I only want UK nodes beacuse in order to get the whole of the UK the box will also cover Ireland.

I see that there is a download location where I can download country specific datasets:

But I'm assuming that they have just collected the data using a bbox as well.

Thanks C

asked 09 Mar '11, 09:57

columboid's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Always try before assuming :)

(09 Mar '11, 10:51) Breki

The Geofabrik extracts do not use a simple rectangular bounding box. Instead they use a polygon, which follows the country borders fairly closely. So if for example you download the England extract, it will just contain England, and none of the surrounding bits of Scotland/Wales/Ireland etc.

Though you say you just want the UK, which it seems Geofabrik do not provide an extract for. They just have extracts for "Great Britain", "Ireland" and "British Isles". So to get all of the UK, you could download the British Isles extract, then use Osmosis to extract just the UK part using a polygon filter.

Or Cloudmade provide UK extracts, though I'm not sure how closely they follow the Northern Ireland border.

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answered 09 Mar '11, 15:15

Vclaw's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

Thanks Vclaw and gnurk, that is most useful. That's plenty for me to read up on and it sounds like the answer is in there. Thanks for your help.

(09 Mar '11, 15:31) columboid

Smaller non-rectangular areas, like cities, can be extracted using the methods described in OSM Server Side Script.

In order to extract big areas, like a whole country, you may download a planet file, or a part of a planet file, and then use Osmosis Polygon Filter File Format.

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answered 09 Mar '11, 11:11

gnurk's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

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question asked: 09 Mar '11, 09:57

question was seen: 14,264 times

last updated: 06 Apr '15, 13:22

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