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Hi all,

I drew some new cycling path in my district few a month ago. (see "route de cornebarrieu

Unfortunately, all the routing services i use don't index this new track as new cycling path and put the bicycle journeys on the car's road. (openrouteservices + openrunners) However, they are well displayed on the maps and layers.

I don't understand why the cycling path category is not taken into account for this leg.

Thank you for your kind assistance

asked 31 Aug '14, 15:06

velocolomiers31's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi velocolomiers, did you ad the cycling path to OSM, could you provide a link as well ? If so whats the update time of the routingservices your using ? Which routers did you use ?

(31 Aug '14, 15:53) Hendrikklaas

Routing data can take a long while to process. As a result, most routing engines only update their data occasionally. For example, OpenRouteService hasn't updated its data since 5th July (you can see the date at the top right of

However, note that OpenRunner only does Google Maps-based routing anyway, not OpenStreetMap. As their website says:

This is an advanced feature of Openrunner based on one routing engines, GoogleMaps

(They used to offer routing using OpenStreetMap data, but the company which provided that service, CloudMade, no longer does so.) provides routing for Western Europe and will be updated with fresh data this week, so from Tuesday onwards, you should be able to route via your new cycleways on that site. Disclaimer: I built it. :)

permanent link

answered 31 Aug '14, 17:12

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%

ok now i understand. It seems to be long to get updated.

Thank you for your prompt and comprehensive answer

(31 Aug '14, 20:51) velocolomiers31

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question asked: 31 Aug '14, 15:06

question was seen: 3,305 times

last updated: 31 Aug '14, 22:31

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum