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I am disappointed by the quality of the map on my University's website. I was wondering if there was a way to develop a fairly simple searchable and scalable map for a non-developper like me? I can get into understanding a few lines of code if I am guided and the documentation is accessible. I also understand GitHub.

What I want to achieve is to let people search for a building number (ref=) or building name (name=) or alternative name (alt_name=), in a limited area, possibly with a rendering that highlights the university's buildings (using the corresponding relationship for example?).

It's a pretty big question but I hoped that there might be a project out there that could get me fairly close to that without too much hassle! Even just a few pointers would be great!


asked 31 Aug '14, 01:54

stephane-guillou's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I suspect the simplest way to procede is to

  • add the data to OSM (the standard nominatim search should find name and alt_name)
  • make a prototype with or any other umap instance

The umap search box queries a nominatim instance (not the central one, but that is likely only an issue wrt updates), the important thing is that it prioritizes results from the currently viewed map segment. With other words you should be able to get reasonable results without specifying full addresses.

You could then simply query the overpass api for the campus building outlines and add that as an additional layer.

Naturally you could got the full custom route (custom map rendering etc.) but I suspect starting small may be a better strategy.

permanent link

answered 31 Aug '14, 13:07

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 31 Aug '14, 23:03

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question asked: 31 Aug '14, 01:54

question was seen: 5,255 times

last updated: 31 Aug '14, 23:03

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum