As an explicit example, suppose U003f Street contains three elements: a road section, followed by a bridge section, followed by a road section. Would it be correct to bundle these three together using a relation? If so, should the relation be tagged with information such as having name = "U003f Street", or each way? What are the rendering implications of the two approaches? |
Always tag the elements. Relation members do not inherit tags from the relation itself. Furthermore there is no need to create such a relation. The identical name is completely sufficient for tools to know that these individual ways belong in fact to the same street. 1
That's very clear, thanks. Something more specific (which led me to this more general question): what do we do if the the bridge has a name too? We can't tag its name as both "U003f Street" and "Bonifide Bridge"; in fact we need to give it the name "U003f Street" for the tools to work.
(28 Aug '14, 23:48)
How to name a bridge is explained here :
(01 Sep '14, 14:42)
Hi u003f, Tag them separately, a bridge is a bridge and no way. The name of the street 'Main Street' does not change at the bridge. The way on top of the bridge carries the name 'Main Street'. The bridge could have its own name like 'U003f'. Tag them with that name all together, by using JOSM it’s easy, the program remembers the last used tags. So below ad, there’s a menu with name=Main street' on top, select it and press ok. In P2 you’ll have to ad them yourself. If there’s a relation like a bus route or any relation add them as well on all the elements of the relation. |