Hi all, I'm a Windows developer (Delphi) and are working on an application which shows boundaries of countries for faster finding the country's place in the world. Now I've seen there's no boundary of lesotho. When I click the link "Staatsgrenze Königreich Lesotho" = http://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/88206 a hint appears and tells me: "boundary lesotho - removed, because there we two identical boundary relations". I fear anybody has removed both boundaries for lesotho ... greetings von Karlsruhe, Germany in German: |
Is http://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/2093234 what you want? I found that by showing the history of the deleted relation, clicking on a way, and looking at what relations it was part of. 1
Hi SomeoneElse, this works fine :-) This was the only missing boundary. Thank you very much :-)) greetings from Karlsruhe
(27 Aug '14, 12:10)
@PCHeiler: Please mark this answer as accepted if it solves your problem.
(27 Aug '14, 12:28)
aseerel4c26 ♦