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What's the best way to, for example, add address tags for two semi-detached houses within one building? I could guess where the houses join and split the building, but this can be difficult (both from images and the ground). Or I could add a two nodes somewhere within the building and tag these instead.

asked 27 Aug '14, 00:49

u003f's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 27 Aug '14, 08:33

I just split the building in two, though I know address mappings vary. I know others add entrance nodes to the building outlines and add the address to these. I don't feel adding separate nodes within the outline is right based on the one feature one osm element guideline

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answered 27 Aug '14, 08:56

EdLoach's gravatar image

EdLoach ♦
accept rate: 22%


I mostly split buildings too, but sometimes there's no way to know, or tagging the node at the entrance just makes things clearer.

(27 Aug '14, 09:19) Vincent de P... ♦

Note that there are plenty of schools of thought about address placement : Should the node be on the building entrance or on the letterbox ? On the building itself or on the whole grounds ?

All these nuances work equaly well from a routing POV. They give different renderings, but which is better is highly subjective. The semantics are different, but I've never seen the intended semantic tagged, so it seems unusable.

(27 Aug '14, 09:27) Vincent de P... ♦

Do you think it is OK to assume, in the first instance, that buildings split equally? Zooming out of your map a little reminded me that line connecting Harwich to Esbjerg will have to be deleted soon.

(27 Aug '14, 10:54) u003f

It seems like the current consensus includes many approaches, but splitting the building isn't one of them.

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answered 15 Apr '22, 20:07

vectro's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The fifth main bullet on that page is about splitting: "In case of separate buildings mapped as one it is recommended to create separate connected polygons for separate buildings, each with own address."

(17 Apr '22, 21:11) TZorn

This scenario is not about separate buildings, though?

(19 Apr '22, 04:16) vectro

I would regard semi-detached houses as separate buildings sharing a common wall.

(19 Apr '22, 20:58) TZorn

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question asked: 27 Aug '14, 00:49

question was seen: 3,813 times

last updated: 19 Apr '22, 20:58

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum