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Is it possible to come up with some program to add addresses from our mobile app? If such a tool already exists, where to download and how to use it?

asked 26 Aug '14, 10:31

YuliaPro's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 28 Sep '16, 14:45

Kozuch's gravatar image


KeypadMapper3, an Android App, is designed specifically for collecting addresses. Available on Google Play or from Einakoon.

It also collects mobile phone cells for OpenCellId: a feature which cant be switched off in the distributed version of the app. Some (not me) dislike this feature.

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answered 26 Aug '14, 10:44

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦
accept rate: 22%

edited 26 Aug '14, 12:34

Are you sure the name of the app? Because I can't find it in the Play Market.

(26 Aug '14, 12:30) YuliaPro

Link added in answer.

(26 Aug '14, 12:34) SK53 ♦

Keypad Mapper 3 is also available through f-droid where its collection of OpenCellID data is stated up front. There is also OsmPad available on Play Store but I haven't used it yet so I can't say how it compares with KeypadMapper.

(26 Aug '14, 15:50) n76


I really prefer OsmAnd for adding address data to osm. I find it much easier for me being that it can be used with other editors besides just JSOM.

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answered 27 Aug '14, 08:03

TheDutchMan13's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

till now (2020 November) I found no easier tool. Unfortunately it's not maintained anymore and you can't find it on Google Play Store. But APKs dont get lost in www. You still find it on APK mirrors. Some said it wouldn't work with Android higher 4.x. I use 2 older cellphones (Samsung S3 mini) one with Android 4.1.2 the other with LineageOS and Android 7.1.2 and both work great with OsmPad

(09 Nov '20, 12:07) MaggusK

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question asked: 26 Aug '14, 10:31

question was seen: 3,979 times

last updated: 09 Nov '20, 14:15

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