On some places and at some zoom levels I can see weak horizontal and vertical (maybe) grid lines. Also, on some places these lines are oblique. Mostly over green areas (assume forests) like here: http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=8/46.851/-83.790 Are these lines real or my W8 display system is wrong? Can others see these lines too?
This question is marked "community wiki".
They are real and seem to be caused by the renderer / stylesheet using a slightly different color for area outlines. Looks ugly. See this node for example. It is part of four landuses and its position is exactly at the intersection of a horizontal and a vertical grid line. There is already a bug report for this issue. 1
That is a sub-optimally done import. See way example. The landuses are mapped as those rectangles. However, I it is a bit strange that the renderer draws a thin line in some zoom levels. It should not because the neighbouring lines are exactly on the same position, if I see correctly.
(26 Aug '14, 13:19)
aseerel4c26 ♦
Yes, the import could have been improved. But the renderer should be able to handle adjacent landuses of the same type without creating ugly artifacts.
(26 Aug '14, 14:13)
scai ♦