Hi. I want to show an WMS Server in Openlayers, that only understands Gauss-Krueger (EPSG:31467). But i want to show OSM as well. so i have make an example with OSM in EPSG:31467 : http://josias.polchau.de/maps/index.html but it doesn't work: The map section should show Hamburg. the GK-Coordinate (3573999;5940000) is in WGS84: (10.1162776;53.586219) but if i go to the area of hamburg the map above shows the GK-coordinate (7097619;1114867). That is wrong. |
This sounds like a question for OpenLayers not OpenStreetMap. |
This sounds like something MapProxy may be able to fix. hm i don't think so. i think the error is at the OSM-layer.
(07 Mar '11, 21:09)
MapProxy can re-project imagery garnered from other sources, hence the suggestion.
(07 Mar '11, 21:10)
Baloo Uriza
The answer was a missing pro4js-lib