Hi guys, I would like to show where a beach is. But I cant extract them. From the documentation they seem to be "closed ways" instead of nodes. I extract nodes succesfully with osmosis and this command line:
When I want to extract ways (like beaches) I use this Osmosis command line:
However this doesnt work. The process starts:
But after a while a get an error:
I have downloaded 3 planet files to make sure the data isnt currupt but this happens all the time. How do I extract these beaches?
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As you strugle, I'd like to suggest another way to get your data: Overpass API: http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/4Hu Because as other say, fetching 35GB and process it for hours just to extract a few thousand items (a few MB) doesn't make sense, esp. at the beginning :-) |
Works fine here using the latest osmosis version (0.43.1). Did you compare the MD5 checksum of your download?
Checked it with MD5 but the checksum is different, what does that mean? The download is corrupt?
Yes, if the MD5 doesn't match, it's a corrupt download.
No, I've downloaded an osm.pbf (pbf is compressed?) file and it is 26.6 GB (ftp://ftp.spline.de/pub/openstreetmap/pbf/)
Should I download a .osm.bz2 file instead of .pbf? Those are around 36G.
Just to be clear - if the MD5 for the file that you've downloaded doesn't match the value that it is supposed to be, then you have a corrupt download and you need to download it again. A corrupt download will cause the error that you are seeing (see https://help.openstreetmap.org/questions/14206/incorrect-data-check ).
Thans SomeoneElse for pointing me the right direction. I'm downloading a new 26G file again :) Hopefully it will work out.