We can try - a couple of questions first though:
- Where do you want to install maps of (what country or region)?
- Do you have a microsd card (that you can store maps on) for it already, and if so, how big?
- What have you tried so far? It may be that you're stuck at a particular part of the process that someone may be able to help you with.
Essentially, you have two options:
- Download a map that someone else has made. There's a list here.
- Create your own map based on OSM data that you've downloaded, using a program such as mkgmap and data from a site such as Geofabrik.
Questions similar to this have been asked before - it might also help to read this one or just search this help site for "Garmin".
07 Mar '11, 16:54
SomeoneElse ♦
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