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Hello. First time here, be gentle... I'd like to use the KML data in rowmaps (containing public rights of way info) within OSM. The data are released under the OS OpenData Licence; can they be used directly, with appropriate attribution? Thanks!

[edit: split off second question]

asked 17 Aug '14, 23:58

u003f's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 18 Aug '14, 07:39

You should be asking and discussing this on the the talk-gb list. And no, the OS version of the OGL is not suitable for use with OSM.

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answered 18 Aug '14, 08:09

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%


Furthermore the actual licensing of many of the rowmaps files is not clear as they have been made available directly to Barry Cornelius (rowmap owner) and there is not proper audit trace of the actual licence. Many local authorities have a sketchy understanding of the implications of the derived data aspect of Ordnance Survey licences. A formal declaration by the Ordnance Survey that they not not have a claim to PRoW routes IPR is needed case-by-case. It's actually more fun to go out & survey them:

(18 Aug '14, 09:46) SK53 ♦

Thanks both.

You should be asking and discussing this on the the talk-gb list.

Is that a subsection of this site?

And no, the OS version of the OGL is not suitable for use with OSM.

Is it trace-over-able, in the same way as the Bing aerial shots are, for example?

It's actually more fun to go out & survey them

I do! But it typically involves more pen and less GPS.

(18 Aug '14, 16:52) u003f

As I understand OSM and copytright. You should not trace over copyrighted tracks in any format, converting them into a gpx would not avoid the copyright problem. We have permission to use Bing that is why we can use it.

(18 Aug '14, 18:42) andy mackey

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question asked: 17 Aug '14, 23:58

question was seen: 3,247 times

last updated: 18 Aug '14, 18:42

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum