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Dear Sirs, the route to our Hotel is not correct, meaning it is not the fastest nor the easiest. We tried to modify it as suggested by the site, but the roads indicated by the GPS are totally wrong. Thus, we need to contact you as soon as possible: our guests cannot reach the Hotel, or reach it hardly. Please, give us any contact details or email/phone us at: HOTEL LE CORDERIE - VIA DI CALVOLA, 43 - 34143 - TRIESTE - ITALY - PH N. +390403229277 - .

Thank you for your cooperation.


asked 17 Aug '14, 20:01

alexvecchio's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 17 Aug '14, 20:04


I'm guessing that you mean on this street:

Is that correct? Also, what is "the site" that you are using for directions?

(17 Aug '14, 21:38) SomeoneElse ♦

Also, where are you trying to route from ? We need to know which part of the route is wrong.

Please add a note on at the exact location of your hotel, and a url or two demonstrating the routing problem.

Lastly, remember that not all satnavs use OSM data, and those that do might take a while to get the update.

(18 Aug '14, 09:36) Vincent de P... ♦

@helpers here: "tried to modify" did not result in any edits or notes, yet.

(18 Aug '14, 13:45) aseerel4c26 ♦

If I use the excellent routing from Pula or Venice I get these routes: From the south or from north. Whats wrong? @alexvecchio , please test and comment on the problem.

(18 Aug '14, 21:23) andy mackey

is this the building if so add the hotel to the map, and make sure any one way streets are correct

(18 Aug '14, 22:10) andy mackey

I have looked at two copyrighted sources of information which cannot be used by OSM. These other sources suggest several roads around the hotel are one way which are mapped as two way, and could be causing the problems. If you are familiar with the roads and one ways you could edit them. To do that click edit, sign in, choose Potlatch2, click on street line, when highlighted, click on one way and set it correctly. click save, leave a note. and save. In a day or so you can test it with OSRM. If it then works correctly and after a few more days, that new data can be used to create a OSM file for a Garmin and maybe some other GPSes as well. Happy Mapping and don't get lost! Note OSRM is a useful routing program that is also great for testing one ways and turn restrictions, the latter can be hard to sort out some times in my experience. Update;- I checked to see who had mapped in the area and discovered Davide Prade I asked if it was task he would consider. By next morning the one ways were in place. I just tried it out with OSRM and all seems ok. Job done thanks to Davide.

permanent link

answered 21 Aug '14, 21:19

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

edited 26 Aug '14, 20:48


yes, uploading and viewing old pics does not work since 2014-08-20 circa 13:00 UTC. Also converting answers to comments does not work currently. See Platform status (bottom). In the meantime you could upload to e.g. our wiki or and link/embed here.

(21 Aug '14, 23:20) aseerel4c26 ♦

With changeset 24924588 I made some corrections to map.

permanent link

answered 22 Aug '14, 07:52

Davide%20Prade's gravatar image

Davide Prade
accept rate: 0%

edited 22 Aug '14, 12:21

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

Good work Davide, sorry about misspelling your name earlier, I did't expect such a quick response to my request for local help.

(22 Aug '14, 07:58) andy mackey

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question asked: 17 Aug '14, 20:01

question was seen: 3,293 times

last updated: 26 Aug '14, 20:48

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum