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It seems like the answer should be obvious but I guess I'm still getting my bearings on OSM. Once I come across an individual structure, should I outline that and mark it as a (e.g.) residential building and then also put a point that is the residence as well? If it's a simple house, it seems like that might be overkill but that also marks out which portions of the map are structures and which aren't. Alternately, an apartment complex may have many addresses in one structure. Or a single structure may have storefronts on the first floor and housing above them (this is common in holder buildings in my city).

If we only use points, then it won't be clear for a machine what is a building and what is not a building. If I only use areas, there are certain tags that don't appear available with ID in-browser editing and it would be impossible to mark some points as one address and some as another address.

asked 15 Aug '14, 03:25

Justin_-koavf-'s gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I try to use one feature (node or way) to describe what I see if at all possible.

So for single family detached houses, I tag the address information on the way (area) that shows the building outline.

For a building housing multiple businesses or families, I use one way (area) for the building and then nodes for the individual businesses or addresses.

But take care on addresses: Sometimes the building has one address for multiple tenants. If that is the case, I generally tag the address on the building and put the other information on the node tags.

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answered 15 Aug '14, 05:25

n76's gravatar image

accept rate: 17%

Hi consider the building as it is and tag it accordingly, with function and any characteristics you noticed, the address to the address node, because a building could be on different streets as well. Where is the border between the Streets, most of the time there is not any border. The operator just makes a building with business or garages at street level and houses or offices on top. Take a look at the different solutions used in OSM. DE UK Fr Nl

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answered 15 Aug '14, 08:10

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

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question asked: 15 Aug '14, 03:25

question was seen: 4,822 times

last updated: 15 Aug '14, 08:10

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum