This road exits a car park in my town. At the end of the road, there is a one way street that runs from left to right in the picture. Due to this, the road entering and exiting the car park makes you drive on the right, to make it easier to enter and exit. My question is, should this be tagged in any way in OSM? I had originally tagged this as two one way service roads, but now I am not so sure, so have changed it back to one service road, as it was before. What do you think I should do? Edit: The road in question: |
See this previously-answered question: How to tag streets with reversed lanes? In short, use the tag driving_side=left/right as applicable to map exceptions to national rules. Wow! Definitely didn't know about that one, and for some reason it never occurred to me to searched for "reversed lanes". Thank you very much :)
(14 Aug '14, 22:55)