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I travel and gather POIs using OsmAnd.

What is the best way to transfer a point from OsmAnd to the OSM online editor?

Extract from OsmAnd's favourites.gpx:

<wpt lat="34.9948124" lon="135.7850504">
<name>Shimizu Temple</name>


  • I don't want to use OSM Tracker because switching apps is slow, and I like how OsmAnd keeps showing the map in the background even when I enter a description for the point.
  • This question is similar to How to reliably pin point OsmAnd favourite in OSM editor? but I don't want to use OSM Tracker, which is the accepted answer (and the only answer) there.
  • I can't upload OsmAnd's favourites.gpx to GPS Traces because the data is not a track, it is a point, which GPS Traces can't import.

asked 13 Aug '14, 08:07

Nicolas%20Raoul's gravatar image

Nicolas Raoul
accept rate: 20%

edited 15 Aug '14, 02:20

Did you already try to open the favorites.gpx in JOSM?

(13 Aug '14, 08:38) scai ♦

@scai I'm not sure how JOSM is relevant here? It's a bit like saying to someone who says "I don't know how to do X on a Mac" "buy a PC" :-) .

(13 Aug '14, 11:05) SomeoneElse ♦

@SomeoneElse I assumed he wanted to add the POIs to the OSM database. But I didn't see the online editor requirement.

(13 Aug '14, 12:00) scai ♦

Although you could upload the waypoint gpx file (with potentially some manual editing – see SomeoneElse's answer),
you could open the gpx file locally (without uploading) from your device/computer inside your "OSM online editor" (both online editors, Potlatch 2 and iD, support loading waypoints from local gpx files, see the links). Of course the "offline" editor JOSM supports this too.

A non-OSM-related prerequisite: Of course, before you can open the gpx file you need to transfer it from your device on which OsmAnd was running to the computer which you want to use for editing (via USB, Bluetooth, WLAN, adding a track to the gpx file and upload and download to/from the OSM traces server, …). If you use the device on which OsmAnd was running for editing too, then you need place the gpx file in some storage (e.g. SD card) which is accessible to all apps (OsmAnd and browser).

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answered 13 Aug '14, 14:04

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%

edited 14 Aug '14, 14:09

You can upload tracks containing waypoints to OSM, as long as they have one (fake) track point in them. See the wiki here.

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answered 13 Aug '14, 11:04

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

edited 13 Aug '14, 12:34

it just comes to my mind: does iD (the "online editor") support loading waypoints from such uploaded gpx files? As far as I know: no.

(14 Aug '14, 13:56) aseerel4c26 ♦

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question asked: 13 Aug '14, 08:07

question was seen: 10,192 times

last updated: 15 Aug '14, 02:20

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