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We want to display photos at particular location i.e.,particular gps points on the map, say a building. We found an option in Potlatch to load photos but it wasn't working ... How do we go about it?

asked 05 Mar '11, 14:53

BabuSudhakar's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 10 Mar '11, 10:44

Jonathan%20Bennett's gravatar image

Jonathan Ben...

can you please expand on what you want to do exactly? Are you speaking about aerial-photos in the background to retrace, or do you want to display georeferenced photos in the editor at the locations where you took them to assist you with your mapping?

(06 Mar '11, 12:38) dieterdreist

You don't make it clear whether you're trying to use photos as an aid to mapping, or trying to build an end-user application that places photos on a map.

(10 Mar '11, 16:50) Jonathan Ben...

If you want to do photo mapping you're going to need to use an offline editor like JOSM. JOSM can open GEO tagged photos and can even let you uses a GPX track to add a GEO tag to a photo. There is an article on [Photo mapping}( on the Wiki that you might want to read for more information.

PS I guess you can you Potlatch 1 for Photo-mapping but using Potlatch 1 is discourage so use JOSM or if you have strict no JAVA policy you can use Merkaartor

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answered 31 Oct '14, 17:36

DTHG's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 05 Mar '11, 14:53

question was seen: 4,668 times

last updated: 31 Oct '14, 17:36

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum