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Hello, can I add tag on street in osm, and next highlight this street in open layers on my web page??

asked 10 Aug '14, 14:20

adam_prohack's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 10 Aug '14, 15:41

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

I want use this only for informations on my parish website

(10 Aug '14, 15:17) adam_prohack

It might be helpful to have a little more information about what you're trying to do.

Are you trying to make a personalised map? If so something like uMap allows you to highlight certain things, and may do what you want. Another helpful source of information is the switch2osm site - there (though using Leaflet rather than OpenLayers) there's an example of reading data from an external source (e.g. things you want to highlight).

Alternatively you may just be asking a more general question about "how do I tag something in OSM" in which case the beginners' guide (or more specifically this section of it) might be what you want.

One thing that you will need to bear in mind is that everyone sees the same OpenStreetMap data - any changes you make will also appear in everyone else's data, so it's not really appropriate to add "special" tags just because they're useful to help something get displayed on one website. See also the welcome page and this page in the wiki.

permanent link

answered 10 Aug '14, 15:37

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

I want add tag for street in my town, and next i want show marked streets on map on my web site. I want only draw line on this street.

(10 Aug '14, 15:54) adam_prohack

I'm still not sure what you mean by "I want add tag for street in my town". If you mean "I want to tag the fact that a particular street is within my town" then you shouldn't need to do this - if you're using something like Overpass to select the data for display then you should be able to select what you want without explicit tagging that way.

(10 Aug '14, 16:01) SomeoneElse ♦

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question asked: 10 Aug '14, 14:20

question was seen: 4,842 times

last updated: 10 Aug '14, 16:02

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum