hey can any one tell me how to import OSM data in mongoDB step by step. This is the link of data http://download.geofabrik.de/europe/germany/baden-wuerttemberg/karlsruhe-regbez.html asked 04 Aug '14, 22:25 vickyvikas |
MongoDB is not the database of choice for typical OSM operations so you are unlikely to find any tried and tested howtos beyond what any major search engine will give you if you type in "openstreetmap mongodb", namely http://derickrethans.nl/importing-osm-into-mongodb.html answered 04 Aug '14, 22:58 Frederik Ramm ♦ |
It mostly depends on what you want to do with the data. You can always parse the data yourself and import it that way. How you store data depends greatly on what you want to do with it. For rendering maps (a common OSM usage), you need geographic indexes, for doing spatial analysis, you need geographic functions (what's the distance between X and this road), if these things are not in MongoDB, then you will not be able to easily use OSM data in MongoDB. answered 08 Jun '15, 13:27 rorym Fortunately, MongoDB does support geospatial indexes and queries. https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/geospatial-queries/
(11 Sep '18, 21:53)
This can be done using the mongosm importer.
cross-post to https://gis.stackexchange.com/a/240341/97214, as the question was cross-posted as well answered 14 May '17, 19:19 serv-inc |
crosspost: http://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewtopic.php?id=26569
3rd time crossposting https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/109471/how-to-import-osm-data-into-mongodb-in-easy-way