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Keys to delete and other functions like undo are not working ... What could be the problem???

asked 05 Mar '11, 07:16

BabuSudhakar's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 05 Mar '11, 09:20

gnurk's gravatar image



You need to give more information if we are to have any hope of identifying your problem; what operating system are you using, what version of Flash Player, what browser, etc. etc.

(05 Mar '11, 12:17) Richard ♦

The Potlatch/Keyboard shortcuts wiki page says:

At present, shortcuts may vary or be non-functional for non-UK/US keyboards.

I suggest you try the Potlatch 2 editor and see if that works better for you. I'm not sure it's relevant for this specific issue, but also check that you are running an up to date version of the Adobe Flash Player used by the Potlatch editors.

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answered 05 Mar '11, 09:14

gnurk's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

edited 05 Mar '11, 10:35

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question asked: 05 Mar '11, 07:16

question was seen: 4,824 times

last updated: 05 Mar '11, 12:17

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum