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Hi I'm wanting to upload several hundred gpx files I have accumulated from walking/cycling over the years. Is there any easy way of importing them all into one layer on umap. At the moment all I can see is the ability to upload one at a time :-(

asked 04 Aug '14, 14:53

GeoffJones's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Do you need that display of GPX tracks for your own purpose on your local PC, or do you want to display your tracks on a zoomable and draggable map online for the public?

So please EDIT your question and give us a bit more information.

(05 Aug '14, 17:04) stephan75

Now had a very sensible reply from Yohan Boniface

to Geoff "That's a wrong sentence, sorry. "Batch" here was intended for "many features at a time through a file, or copy-paste, or URL", but not as "many files at a time" :/ I will change that. There is not multi file selection for now, but that's doable, and I put that in my todo list. In the mean time, you should look for a tool to merge your files before import maybe, but I don't know any with a decent UI (I know ogr2ogr, which is a command line). Sorry for that!"

btw I use Adze (on iOS) for adding the files at the moment

permanent link

answered 06 Aug '14, 09:59

GeoffJones's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


@Geoffjones: just pushed batch files upload. Plus, in the layers select, if you choose "Import in a new layer", it will create one layer per file.

(07 Aug '14, 22:57) ybon

WOW!! Many many thanks just imported 83 files :-) works beautifully. I can see hours of fun dredging all my old hard drives for gpx files :-) Is there any place to leave a direct € £ donation?

(07 Aug '14, 23:11) GeoffJones

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question asked: 04 Aug '14, 14:53

question was seen: 8,561 times

last updated: 07 Aug '14, 23:11

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum