I don't know how to make markers appear based on tag. For example, when I go to www.openstreetmap.org , how do I make it to show all the markers which have a particular tag? If I wanted to see all the places which have the "payment:bitcoin=yes" tag (as on coinmap.org), how would I do that on www.openstreetmap.org ? |
The OpenStreetMap web site does not offer such functionality. You need your own database with OSM data which you can then query to your heart's content and display the results using a library like Leaftlet or OpenLayers - or you use a database supplied by someone else, e.g. the Overpass API or its easy-to-use web interface, Overpass Turbo. Note that if you use public resources like the OSM tile server or the Overpass search engine, you are expected to use these responsibly, and if you plan to set up a site that attracts many views, it might be advisable to have your own database. 2
A ready made solution is to use umap.openstreetmap.org together with data obtained from an OverPass instance. Frederiks observations wrt using shared public resources naturally apply in this scenario too.
(03 Aug '14, 01:16)
SimonPoole ♦
… that instance seems to be down (was this existing ever?). See uMap in our docu wiki for other uMap instances.
(27 Nov '14, 17:22)
aseerel4c26 ♦