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how / it is possible to see the cycle map layer AND Camping places ( from normal layer ) together in one view ?


asked 01 Aug '14, 09:14

astra3d's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 01 Aug '14, 12:40

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

It strikes me as odd that the cycle layer does not display the camping icon. I thought a cycling/camping trip would be a quite common activity through Europe during summer and it would be an easy addition to the map.

(01 Aug '14, 11:24) nevw

… Yes, indeed useful and easy. I have dropped the developer @Andy Allan a mail.

(01 Aug '14, 12:47) aseerel4c26 ♦

there is also that makes the camping places, hotels, etc. more prominent, but lacks focus on the cycleways.

(01 Aug '14, 13:07) escada

Hi, thank you all answers, the that may help for the moment.

(01 Aug '14, 20:36) astra3d
1 is a cycle map of Western Europe that shows campsites prominently, especially in rural areas.

(01 Aug '14, 21:26) Richard ♦

If simply want an online map with markers camping places you can use with a query for the sites from the overpass api (see for an "easy" to use interface).

permanent link

answered 01 Aug '14, 09:48

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%


I tried this at However, the ways are hard to see. The ways should be shown as node/pin, too. In overpass turbo's GUI there is a setting for this but how to integrate it into the Overpass query or how to do the conversion within umap?

(01 Aug '14, 21:43) aseerel4c26 ♦

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question asked: 01 Aug '14, 09:14

question was seen: 5,507 times

last updated: 01 Aug '14, 21:43

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