Hi I've created my own OSM server, using the great instructions I found here: here. I have a few issues, among them that many place names show as boxes instead of Arabic or Chinese. This seems to be the case only for some non-ascii names. In this image you can see that Algeria is fine but Eritea and Ethiopia are not. I imported the planet database and am using renderd/mapnik. Thanks, Harold Ship |
This is a font issue. Check your Mapnik style file and make sure it mentions the "Unifont" font in addition to DejaVu Sans, and make sure that the ttf-unifont package is installed. (Newer versions of the style might reference a larger number of fonts for an even better result than just Unifont but Unifont already goes a long way to get rid of these boxes.) 3
Thank you Frederik! You are right. I did the following and the problem has disappeared:
This solves the problem with the square characters! Now, is there a known list of good fonts? Unifont works but is not pretty...
(31 Jul '14, 07:41)
I cannot give you a concrete hint to solve your problem, butt maybe see the OSM wiki about http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Map_internationalization to see different possibilities.