Hello, I have to make a special map for a website and hope, you can say me, if it is possible with OSM. Specifications: MAP 2 = sub-areas (i.e. Berlin or Sachsen) Many Thanks - René |
An example that might be similar to your aim can be the webservice of OSM user Wambacher about postalcode areas in Germany and around: https://wambachers-osm.website/boundaries/ please try this website intensively and patiently (loading data in background) Also switch on and off the different layers according to different zoom levels. Tell us here whether this comes near your aim, so we can give you concrete hints. |
Or try something like choropleth maps provided by leafletJS framework, also see geocolor.io -> click "sample" there ... or at gis.stackexchange.com By the way: I think we need a page about choropleth maps in the OSM wiki ... |