How do I tag a waste disposal facility issueing plastic bags and a bin for the dog waste? No further text required! |
The question has been closed for the following reason "The question is answered, right answer was accepted" by dcp 27 Jul '14, 18:48
I don't agree with the dog=yes, that would mean that you can put the dog into the waste basket. :-) BTW, for the plastic bags issuing, it would be better to tag it as amenity=vending_machine, vending=excrement_bags, fee=no, see e.g. "Hundekot-Tüten-Spender" on the german page The clear consensus is as SomeoneElse describes above, I actually have an smaple map running (just for Switzerland):
(29 Jul '14, 09:59)
SimonPoole ♦
Hi dcp, since those elements are placed in the open, consider amenity=waste_basket, dog=yes using a combination of existing tags. Both elements are almost everywhere together to prevent soiling our living spaces, from Switserland to Belgium. Thank you: Wouldn't it be a good idea to add this tag combination to the amenity=waste_basket description
(27 Jul '14, 18:47)
Sorry DCP but Escada found the right in German and excisting tag for these kind of waste disposals, follow his link. The DE community is making a lot of tags and combinations :)!
(27 Jul '14, 21:49)
Well we got there at last. Thank you escade.
(28 Jul '14, 12:05)