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I'm tring to convert a name city or address in coordinate. I need to use a system that uses REST request for a web service. Anyone can suggest me any names?

asked 26 Jul '14, 15:25

scupetta18's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Converting names into coordinates is called geocoding. The most popular geocoder for OSM is Nominatim but there are other geocoders, too.

In case you choose Nominatim then please read the usage policy of OSM's Nominatim instance first. If you can't comply with them then you can either use MapQuest's Nominatim instance which has a little less restrictive usage terms, or just install your own Nominatim instance for unlimited access.

Other public geocoding services will have similar terms of use.

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answered 26 Jul '14, 15:54

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦
accept rate: 23%

edited 26 Jul '14, 15:55

I read nominatim on wikipedia and what do you mean "Maximum of 1 request/s" one request for second?

(26 Jul '14, 16:18) scupetta18

This is not wikipedia, it's OSM's own wiki.

An "absolute maximum of 1 request/s" means that you are not allowed to send more than one request per second to OSM's public Nominatim instance. If you need more requests then check out the alternatives I mentioned before.

(26 Jul '14, 16:24) scai ♦

scai I decide to use ArcGIS REST API to convert address in coordinate. I read the documentation and I see that I must pay if I use particular operation. I need to use a web service that I can call very much and the web service must be free. Do you know if this web service has a limitation in number of calls that I can do in a day/hours/ etc?

(26 Jul '14, 18:13) scupetta18

I don't know the ArcGIS REST API and this is not the right place to ask questions about it.

You don't need to pay for using Nominatim. Just either comply with the usage policy of the public instances or install your own server.

(26 Jul '14, 18:25) scai ♦

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question asked: 26 Jul '14, 15:25

question was seen: 34,085 times

last updated: 22 Dec '15, 20:06

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