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Two buildings on separate streets. They have "Vanity addresses", which mean their address has nothing to do with where they actually are. Postal mail, UPS, FedEx etc will still deliver with those addresses, and it is the address shown on all business cards, etc.

Building 1: At the end of "Industrial Drive, Small City, ST 99922". Uses the address "1 Made Up Way, Big City, ST, 99920".

Building 2: At the end of "Commercial Ave, Big City, ST, 99920". Uses the address "2 Made Up Way, Big City, ST, 99920".

How should these be tagged?

asked 24 Jul '14, 21:46

TylerSchwend's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 25 Jul '14, 02:02

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦


I'd not heard of vanity addresses, but these seem to effectively be a variation on use of PO Box/Private Bag addresses (See which we would normally not map as they are not verifiable on the ground (and also because OSM is not a business directory or a postal gazetteer).

(25 Jul '14, 12:10) SK53 ♦

This isn't just a mailing address, like a post office box, though. It's the address used for all mail, tractor trailer deliveries, etc. It is as on-the-ground verifiable as being the business' address as a phone number, wikipedia page, etc are. If you are trying to find this location by its official postal address, which IS a pointer to the physical location unlike a post office box, you won't be able to with OSM.

(25 Jul '14, 14:50) TylerSchwend

So, there's really no currently acceptable way to do this? This facility literally has no "regular address" tied to the street that it's on. The street it actually belongs to doesn't exist. If trying to find it by its address, you can't on OSM.

(01 Aug '14, 15:03) TylerSchwend

Well, I did something probably bad, but it looks like what Google did in their mapping as well, and there has been no guidance on how this should be mapped.

I made the front-most parking aisle "Ivy Crescent", which is the vanity street. Despite the node having all of the right tags to designate its street, due to indexing constraints it seems all of the search tools depend on the street that the node is closest to. Not really horrible, not great either. But necessary for routing.

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answered 08 Aug '14, 02:39

TylerSchwend's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


I would use addr:full in such case (see Key:addr:full).

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answered 24 Jul '14, 21:52

escada's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

edited 25 Jul '14, 02:00

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦

"addr:full" is much harder to parse by software. It will probably never be used later by data consumers but only occasionally by few contributors. In your case, I would simply use "addr:street=Made Up Way" even if the next street has a different name.

(25 Jul '14, 12:36) Pieren

The node itself is adequately described with the existing ADDR tags... But if you search for the vanity address (1 Made Up Way, Big City, ST, 99920) you won't get any hits since Nominatim etc don't apparently look at buildings' address tags, and instead just go based on the physical streets. That leads me to believe that I'm doing this wrong since searching my explicit address is something of an important task.

(25 Jul '14, 14:47) TylerSchwend

I believe that the issue on your search results is Nominatim. I've read before where it ignores some addr:= tags on ways (buildings) and nodes in favor of other information. But you should not tag incorrectly to compensate for that. Leave the addr:street="made up way" and file a bug with the Nominatim team.

(25 Jul '14, 14:52) n76

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question asked: 24 Jul '14, 21:46

question was seen: 8,980 times

last updated: 08 Aug '14, 02:39

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum