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Seems like the first editor is not working the past week. In Chrome you get the "Aw Snap!" page while IE goes straight to the second in browser editor. Also the Island of Newfoundland looks like it is going underwater.

Are these service issues that are ongoing that one might hope will end soon or is this something that is more likely to be on my end??

asked 24 Jul '14, 00:02

Andrew_F's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 24 Jul '14, 22:58


Could you please describe in more detail what "not working" is? Does it load? Can you make changes but not save? Any error messages? Which browsers did you try? For me (in Firefox 31) it loads, I can move nodes around and change object details in the left bar. Our status page does not show big server problems which would make iD "not working".

(24 Jul '14, 00:23) aseerel4c26 ♦

Oh, and please ask only one question per question entry here on this site (I have removed it for clarity). Please add it in a new question entry. :-) You can copy your old text from inside my link.

(24 Jul '14, 00:27) aseerel4c26 ♦

See also excellent "How to Report Bugs Effectively" -

(24 Jul '14, 11:31) Mateusz Koni...

Thanks Mateeusz I'll read up.

(24 Jul '14, 22:07) Andrew_F

If you are using Google Chrome, then this is probably caused by a bug in that browser. Simply use another one.

More information:

permanent link

answered 24 Jul '14, 19:38

cartinus's gravatar image

accept rate: 27%

Chrome gives the "Ah Snap" as it dies while IE won't load but goes to the second option Edit with Potlatch 2 ( in-browser editor) even though the first editor was selected.

I did experience this before and it went away so I never did figure out if it was browser upgrades or site upgrades etc.

(24 Jul '14, 21:43) Andrew_F

After reading this article I tried the master as per that link and edits work and save fine. Seems that the works fine and the .org site has issues.

(25 Jul '14, 00:23) Andrew_F

Take that back, after a few edits the map master crashes in IE and Chrome for me as well. Since I'm not seeing any other complaints that probably means it's on my end unless anyone else with the issue has given up on this help group as well.

(25 Jul '14, 00:56) Andrew_F

regarding your second question per question: "Also the Island of Newfoundland looks like it is going underwater."
It appears fixed now - someone probably broke the coastline ...again. Try refreshing your browser.

permanent link

answered 25 Jul '14, 11:36

nevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

edited 25 Jul '14, 11:38

I still consider them one question and figured they might be related. As the coastline issue is corrected and the fixes rendered the crashes seem to be going away. More specifically if I refresh at a level to show correct coastline other edits don't seem to be crashing. So I'm hoping that this was the root of all evils. Thanks.

(25 Jul '14, 11:42) Andrew_F

yes, could be related I suppose, if several people are trying simultaneously to fix/edit/save the same things?

(25 Jul '14, 11:52) nevw

As a side note, everything is working as expected so it's fairly certain that the browser issues in the first editor were due to the broken coastline. Thanks again folks.

(06 Aug '14, 11:07) Andrew_F

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question asked: 24 Jul '14, 00:02

question was seen: 7,211 times

last updated: 06 Aug '14, 11:07

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum