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We uploaded our GPS trace .How can we make corrections on the pre-existing map details ? Also blocks added are not visible after saving changes.

asked 04 Mar '11, 07:30

BabuSudhakar's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 04 Mar '11, 13:08

gnurk's gravatar image


The user BabuSudhakar has so far only the changesets 7444772 and 7452141.

The reason for your additions not showing up on the map, for example 102654160, is that they have no tags. The renderer doesn't know if the thing you have entered is a house, a fence, a lake or a border etc.

You have to enter at least one tag that describes your object. Read more about it in the Beginners Guide, specifically at section Adding Details, and Tagging. If the thing you have entered is a building the tags could look like:

  • building = yes
  • name = The Robotics Institute

After you have edited and saved your changes it may take from seconds to hours before the result is rendered and shows up on the map.

permanent link

answered 04 Mar '11, 11:13

gnurk's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

edited 04 Mar '11, 13:11

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question asked: 04 Mar '11, 07:30

question was seen: 4,650 times

last updated: 04 Mar '11, 13:11

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum