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in Ireland I occasionally encounter long roads/streets which have the same name for several kilometres but which have additional names (usually ... Terrace") for short stretches, usually between neighbouring side streets.

I looked through the help section but couldn't find anything on such a situation.


The R876 is called Lewis Road for quite a way. Additionally, there are street signs calling the bit just south of Sunnyhill lower "York Terrace", the bit to the north "Emmet's Terrace".

I've no idea how to handle this.

asked 23 Jul '14, 11:11

Marabu_Too's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

If a road has two names, tag the less common name using alt_name.

To tag only a section of a road, you need to split the osm way first (using the scisors on a node in iD or "p" in JOSM... can't recall how this is done in Potlach2 but it shouldn't be hard to find).

permanent link

answered 23 Jul '14, 11:47

Vincent%20de%20Phily's gravatar image

Vincent de P... ♦
accept rate: 19%

Thanks - no problem in Potlatch 2, but as I just decided to change editors, maybe this'll be the first thing I'll do in JOSM tonight.

(23 Jul '14, 14:16) Marabu_Too

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question asked: 23 Jul '14, 11:11

question was seen: 3,632 times

last updated: 23 Jul '14, 14:57

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum