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Situation: A group of 4 buildings immediately adjacent to each other that constitute one industrial location. 3 of the buildings are on "ground level". The 4th building, however, has two levels. The bottom level, which is open on two sides, is a parking garage. The top level is warehouse, same as the other buildings, and is on the same level as the other buildings. The bottom level isn't quite a basement, but if I mark it as "ground level" and the other buildings are also "ground level", you wuold get the impression that you can walk from buildings 1, 2, and 3 directly into the the parking garage, with a warehouse above you. That's not the case, as in relation to the other adjoining buildings, the second story is the same level as the other buildings' 1st story.

Like this:

The building closest to the camera is on top of a parking garage, which is built into the depression.

How do I tag this?

asked 22 Jul '14, 18:30

TylerSchwend's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 22 Jul '14, 19:18

Hi TylerSchwend, if the buildings are separate tag them accordingly as three buildings even if theres a layer on top. And add levels as well. Or tag it using the 3 D rules, look here

permanent link

answered 22 Jul '14, 21:30

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%


I understand that the buildings should be separate, but I'm struggling with the building that is 2 levels, with the top level being a warehouse that is attached to the other buildings' 1st level.

(24 Jul '14, 14:11) TylerSchwend

Please read buildingparts dot 2 & 3 join the upper levels by using building:part=yes area a building part=yes allows you to join the upper levels independent of the lower levels.

(24 Jul '14, 17:05) Hendrikklaas

I think the English on the page is just a little off for me to understand. I'll keep poking at it until I figure something out.

(24 Jul '14, 18:19) TylerSchwend

Each building is a multipoly, with the walls/unenclosed ways being members of those multipolys. Since they are separately constructed buildings which could be free-standing, I don't think it's quite appropriate to tag them as "parts". Besides, Building:part does not allow the use of relations. For now, I have simply designated 2relations for the parking/garage warehouse building that uses the same boundaries. The "level" tag is different on the two relations. I don't know how to designate that "level 0" on one building connects on level ground with "level 1" on another building, but oh well.

(24 Jul '14, 20:47) TylerSchwend

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question asked: 22 Jul '14, 18:30

question was seen: 8,346 times

last updated: 24 Jul '14, 20:47

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum