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I am trying to locate businesses in a certain area bounded by specific streets .

asked 21 Jul '14, 18:44

ctrumbach's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

You could try writing an overpass query, e.g. This query looks for all shops, restaurants and pubs in the current view. This does not solve your problem of an area "bounded by streets". This is not possible with the overpass language as far as I know.

Also, what is "all businesses"? Shops can easily be found with shop=* (as in the example I gave you), crafts could be done in a similar way. But this does not work for businesses in the amenity group: cafe, restaurant, pub etc.

I hope that this gives you at least an idea of what is possible with Overpass.

You could of course also import OSM data into a database and start writing a query against the database.

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answered 21 Jul '14, 20:29

escada's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

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question asked: 21 Jul '14, 18:44

question was seen: 8,472 times

last updated: 21 Jul '14, 20:29

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