Hi! I don't know if there is something like bugzilla for the official openstreetmap.org website, but I want to report a problem which started a couple of minutes ago: The map on openstreetmap.org is broken when someone tries to "reload" a page in the browser. Until now it reloaded the tiles and the map position remained the same. I used it to quickly check what happens with the map after I commited some changes to see whether something went (visually) wrong. Now it just displays an empty map and one has to search for the location again - while it DOES NOT reload the tiles. PLEASE, correct the behaviour! Thanks! (BTW, why do I have to enable JavaScript from www.google.com in order to post a question in this forum? This is just disgusting! I don't want google to spy on and THEREFORE I use openstreetmap!) |
Bugtracker for openstreetmap.org website is at https://github.com/openstreetmap/openstreetmap-website/issues?state=open |
Just to comment on the "BTW" part of your question, help.osm.org uses OSQA; it wasn't written in house. If you wish to contribute a replacement that doesn't depend on Google, I'm sure that it would be looked upon favourably :)