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Ok I started using josm and it showed me where the errors were, I had some ways incorrectly labeled as coastline. But for some other strange reason I had to make some sections of coastline one way to stop other errors? The ways were joined but scissored. There is no representation of any of this in iD editor so I will learn josm.

Yep I think it was either labeling the wrong parts coastline or relating them to the island. Seems fixed now.

asked 19 Jul '14, 00:17

supamappa4123's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 20 Jul '14, 04:29

The one way error: the water should be to right hand side of the line as you draw it. see

(20 Jul '14, 09:20) andy mackey

Its strange I cant seem to see a representation of the line direction in iD. Josm has it and I checked but couldn't find any line direction problems. I had bits of coastline inside the island and that must have rendered the ocean in. I think its fixed now.

(20 Jul '14, 12:55) supamappa4123

Hello supamappa,

  1. If you want to give more information about your question, please edit your question instead of extending it with comments ... :-)

  2. Some body already fixed your issue: see this changeset ... so wait some hours or so whether water returns to land.

  3. see also the OSM wiki about coastline

permanent link

answered 19 Jul '14, 08:52

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

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question asked: 19 Jul '14, 00:17

question was seen: 2,615 times

last updated: 20 Jul '14, 12:57

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum