In spite of my effort and what is described here
I still get:
Using projection SRS 4326 (Latlong)
NOTICE: table "place" does not exist, skipping
NOTICE: type "keyvalue" does not exist, skipping
NOTICE: type "wordscore" does not exist, skipping
NOTICE: type "stringlanguagetype" does not exist, skipping
NOTICE: type "keyvaluetype" does not exist, skipping
NOTICE: function get_connected_ways(pg_catalog.int4[]) does not exist, skipping
Allocating memory for dense node cache
Allocating dense node cache in one big chunk
Allocating memory for sparse node cache
Sharing dense sparse
Node-cache: cache=1979MB, maxblocks=253312*8192, allocation method=11
Mid: pgsql, scale=10000000 cache=1979
Setting up table: planet_osm_nodes
NOTICE: table "planet_osm_nodes" does not exist, skipping
Setting up table: planet_osm_ways
NOTICE: table "planet_osm_ways" does not exist, skipping
Setting up table: planet_osm_rels
NOTICE: table "planet_osm_rels" does not exist, skipping
Does anybody know, what the problem could be? knowing that
- Yes I have build the software with no error
- Yes I have enough memory
- file osm2pgsql stated ELF 64-bit
14 Jul '14, 11:53
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