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I am tagging a bicycle/pedestrian path that runs through my city. All of the paths have multiple entrances. Obviously the paths are tagged in a way that makes sense, but how would I tag the named entrances? Some of the entrances have parking lots, some are just neighborhood walk-ins.

asked 13 Jul '14, 04:03

TylerSchwend's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


You probably have to give us an example as it is not clear exactly what the issue is (if an object has a verifiable name in real life just add a name tag to it).

(13 Jul '14, 08:36) SimonPoole ♦

The entrance here is the "Ed Helms Entrance".

The entrance here from "Randolph Place East" is called the "East Randolph Entrance".

I'm not sure whether to tag the parking lot as the entrance, or some node on the way or leading to the way as the entrance. And then what tags to use to do so.

(18 Jul '14, 16:02) TylerSchwend

I would suggest tagging a node at the start of the path with its name (e.g. name=East Randolph Entrance) and with the entrance=yes tag to show that it's an entrance.

permanent link

answered 18 Jul '14, 16:18

Andy%20Allan's gravatar image

Andy Allan
accept rate: 28%

If the route it is an entrance to is a relation, how does that entrance get marked?

(18 Jul '14, 21:18) TylerSchwend

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question asked: 13 Jul '14, 04:03

question was seen: 7,067 times

last updated: 18 Jul '14, 21:18

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum