Where and how can I download maps to my teasi which I bought when I was in Germany. It has European maps but I am from Canada and would like to download North American Maps. thanks |
A quick review of the teasi web site seems to suggest that maps for other places don't even exist (and cannot be made yourself either). But do ask the makers directly: http://www.teasi.eu/en/home/ I lead a walk of Huntingdon Ramblers and we tried out a number of GPSes last week by walking with them. One was a Teasi which had some local UK maps installed, it seems the maps can be changed. Unfortunately I did not have the opportunity to plug it in and test the procedure.
(28 Feb '15, 19:27)
andy mackey
Frederik's answer was no doubt correct last year, but now their FAQ: http://www.teasi.eu/en/service/faq/ Has a "create your own maps" link, using MOBAC: http://wiki.osm.org/wiki/MOBAC which in turn can be problematical because of the load that it puts on OSM's servers, so be sure to follow the tile usage policy:
(28 Feb '15, 19:37)
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