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My business is on Steele Road in Franklin, KY. (My business is Bright's Antique World and can be found on many other map sites.) The road keeps displaying as Butts Road. Butts Road does not exist anymore in our county.
How do I correct this or can someone please correct this for me so I do not mess up this site?

Many Thanks Linda

asked 08 Jul '14, 18:32

brightsantiqueworld's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Thanks to all for the help. Linda

(09 Jul '14, 07:07) brightsantiq...

One possibility is to add a note to the map. At the right hand side of the main page you'll see this:

alt text

Click it, move it to the area of the problem on the map and type in the details of the problem there. Another way of doing a similar thing (designed for adding businesses) is

permanent link

answered 08 Jul '14, 21:50

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%


Thanks. I went in and found Steele Road and our business. Our business was actually listed on Bright Lane. Bright Lane is actually a little dead end road located above our building.
The listing for Bright Lane is actually our drive way. Our true address is 281 Steele Road. I entered a note.

What was confusing was the map Craigslist is using. Craigslist says it is using Openstreetmap and when I enter my store's location it shows my business on Butts Rd?

(08 Jul '14, 23:23) brightsantiq...

Aha - it looks like it's already there in OpenStreetmap (actually as a result of this previous note) but your new note has more information on it, so I'll add that too.

I'm not sure what Craigslist is using; when I search for your shop on there I get a couple of "for sale" listings, with the correct address, so I've no idea where "Butts Rd" is coming from (but Craiglist seems positively user hostile, so I could just be missing it)


Found it! The name was changed from Butts Rd to Steele Rd on 21st February in OpenStreetMap. It looks like Craigslist's data provider is lagging behind:

Craigslist map tile showing "Butts Rd"

(08 Jul '14, 23:59) SomeoneElse ♦

Please give us a better or more data, both streets seem to exist in Franklin KY or do it yourself, quit simple. Make sure that the road signs along your street carry Steele Road (KY) as name and check it at the local public services just to be sure. You’ll already have an account, use P2 or ID to change the name and add more details. Read the beginners site as well, it makes it easier to do,

permanent link

answered 08 Jul '14, 20:51

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

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question asked: 08 Jul '14, 18:32

question was seen: 3,357 times

last updated: 09 Jul '14, 08:23

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum