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Hello, For several days I try to export a map of an airea I visit in a week. When I try exporting the map the following url appears:,45.3392,4.7492,45.4506 and nothing happens afterwards. Even after a day it still stuck on that url. I've tryed the other options (that are marked when exporting fails) without succes. I've tryed on 3 different computers without succes. I've looked for help on the forum but can not find the right answer. So I'm in a urgent need op help; thanks for your sollution!!!!! Gr. Guido

asked 07 Jul '14, 20:23

roovos's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 09 Jul '14, 22:52

nevw's gravatar image


If you want to get graphical output (and not raw OSM data in XML format) then have a look in the OSM wiki about OSM_on_Paper

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answered 09 Jul '14, 20:03

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

edited 10 Jul '14, 20:00

Thanks for your help. It worked and I can download it now. But right now I don't get the map working in basecamp so I can transfer it to my Oregon 600. Another tip will be very helpfull; thanks again.

(09 Jul '14, 20:34) roovos

You cannot use the map you saved on your garmin, assuming you you saved a jpeg or png or similar.

You should use a pre compiled map specially for the garmin.

Have a look at 'OSM Map On Garmin/Download' and for a step by step guide see this 'dcrainmaker site' who shows how to download a .img file which you can put directly into the garmin folder on your garmin. (Easiest)

If you prefer instead to use the map in basecamp download version for it and when installed you will be able to use in basecamp and also basecamp can install the map on your garmin.

If you decide to use the Lambertus site for download you will need to wait a few days in the queue for you map. You can use the Bbbike download site with less of a wait period - probably a few hours wait, but this site just has the .img file to load directly on the garmin.
Read the help links on each of these sites.

(09 Jul '14, 22:03) nevw

The export button at the top of the website will never give you a map, but raw geodata. For a map you need to click on the share ïcon on the right hand side.

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answered 07 Jul '14, 20:59

cartinus's gravatar image

accept rate: 27%

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question asked: 07 Jul '14, 20:23

question was seen: 3,901 times

last updated: 10 Jul '14, 20:00

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum