I've got a local installation of the osm3s running and it works fine with data from openstreetmap. I would like to use my own custom 3D data. I've got an entire 3D model of a city in Microstation. It's in wireframes. I can set the projection to WGS84 and export it to KML and then convert it with ogr2osm. But when I try to populate the database for osm3s it return with "no elements found". Looking at the .osm-file does show a lot of nodes etc. What to do? |
Does your generated OSM file contain negative id values (which is the default for ogr2osm)? This will most likely cause some undesired side effects when loading using update_database for Overpass API, such as strange node ids (e.g. "18446744073707268155"). Apart from that I can't really reproduce your issue. I converted some polygons from a PostGIS db to a shape file and then converted this via ogr2osm to an OSM file and loaded the file into Overpass API (latest github version) via update_database. I could query some of the nodes, although their id was completely screwed. This needs to be adjusted in the ogr2osm script. I believe you need to provide much more details like version of the programs involved, sample OSM snippets, log files etc. This is the top from the generated XML/OSM file: http://pastie.org/9366804
(08 Jul '14, 08:30)
Programs involved are Microstation V8i, export to DXF, converted into osm via ogr2osm and loading into overpass-api/osm3s.
(08 Jul '14, 08:35)