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I use mostly OSM, but sometimes I want to check Google maps (almost always to see something on StreetView). Also, searching for place in Goggle, opening it on Google maps and switching to OSM would be typically a good idea (Nominatim search is not working really well).

Therefore something that would allow to easily switch between maps, without changing location would be really useful. Has anybody made Firefox extension that is able to do this? Is there maybe extension for some other browser? Optionally, is there some similar tool?

asked 02 Jul '14, 08:03

Mateusz%20Konieczny's gravatar image

Mateusz Koni...
accept rate: 0%

There is an addon to Firefox called OsmJumper and one called OsmLinks. But unfortunatley they have not been updated for quite some time, so they don't work with the new scheme of putting the coordinates after #map= instead of ?lat&lon

permanent link

answered 05 Jul '14, 12:26

gormur's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%

It's not a FF extension but maybe you can use Geofabrik's Map Compare?

permanent link

answered 02 Jul '14, 10:03

ligfietser's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%

Probably I should mention that I am aware about this tool. Unfortunately it is not what I want - StreetView is unavailable, search is unavailable (neither Nominatim nor Google), OSM editing is unavailable.

(02 Jul '14, 10:48) Mateusz Koni...

Be aware that you are not legally able to use the information on google maps or google street view to edit the osm

(02 Jul '14, 11:10) nevw

I am aware of copyrights, I would use Google data for other purposes.

(02 Jul '14, 11:46) Mateusz Koni...

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question asked: 02 Jul '14, 08:03

question was seen: 4,968 times

last updated: 05 Jul '14, 12:26

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum