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Thank you for this good explanation. But why on earth the changes I made 10 d (ten days) ago here: and there: don't appear at all? I pressed F5 several times on my Firefox for Linux, I appended "/dirty" to the URL, not to avail.

asked 01 Jul '14, 07:19

Henri%20de%20Solages's gravatar image

Henri de Sol...
accept rate: 0%

edited 02 Jul '14, 16:41

scai's gravatar image

scai ♦

@Henri speaking from here with out local knowledge (or much osm knowlege either) , but I think you should add public_transport=station tag to "Barilagchdyn" coach station, and on the administrative building across the road, I would add building=office , and on the Erdenet main coach station I would add public_transport=station .

permanent link

answered 01 Jul '14, 08:12

nevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

@nevw: Thank you. But I don't want to lose my time adding information that never appears...

(02 Jul '14, 13:56) Henri de Sol...

Because there are essential tags missing, as already explained by nevw. We cannot render everything because otherwise the map would become too cluttered and unusable. That's why only objects with specific tags get rendered. Your office will get rendered if you add the building key, for example building=office. The ticket shop should get the tag shop=ticket instead of shop=ticket_shop. And your station should get the public_transport=station tag.

(02 Jul '14, 16:47) scai ♦

OK. Thank you very much. I didn't get the relationship between the lack of information and the fact it wasn't rendered. However, the choices seem very limited. For instance "shop=ticket" seems not to work, and the list of shops is extremely short. [ Don Bosco center] is another example of not-in-the-list building type: a youth centre. I also have a rental service shop: not listed. Moreover, adding "public_transport=station" to the coach stations didn't make them appear.

(10 Jul '14, 08:27) Henri de Sol...

Please be aware that not all editors list all possible choices for shops. Take a look at for the list of shops that is documented. Note the 'user defined' at the bottom. So you can add any type of shop you want. However, it's better to also document it on this page if you start using a new value. On the other hand not all shops are rendered on the default map. The humanitarian rendering (available from the menu on the right) shows all shops.

(10 Jul '14, 10:30) escada

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question asked: 01 Jul '14, 07:19

question was seen: 3,025 times

last updated: 10 Jul '14, 10:30

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum