hello update; - i want to gather the latest 100 records that have the amenity=school - school from
So as a first step i am willing to start with South-America. According the manual here http://m.m.i24.cc/osmconvert.c I THINK THAT i can use some of the following terms to get the right data out of the bunch of data.
and if i want to gather all the results that contain a webseite then
i want to do this with osmconvert.... any and all help will be greatly appreciated. Question: i wonder where i can use the drop-statement. If it will be used very early then i can limit the amount of data that has to be parsed. What do you think !? Does this make sense..!? See below - my first trials which are very very general... and not very sophisticatde --- lo-level-processing;-) end of update: i am pretty new to Geographic-information Systems so do not bear with me if i ask newby questions: i am interested in gatherin information on schools Some days before i have heard that it is interesting to have a closer look at the taginfo-site (see below): i have question: what does this mean https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/tags/amenity=school here we have two requests on the above site: see the details:
1000 records you see: the results differs: approx 1000 x (entries, records or some what) questions: a. is it true that we can see the diff - that means how the entries of schools grow? b. is there a total growth of records (!!!) of schools or does the this mean - some records have been changed!? c. can i grab the neewst ones -- that are the newest entires with osmonvert? look forward to hear from you btw i have this code up and running...
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Your two questions a and b have already been answered a week ago here: https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/103052/scaling-of-results-the-comparing-of-osm-files-for-a-few-days-a-statistical-ap
hello dear scai - right said! well at the moment i try to find a way to get with osmconvert the latest records - from a osm-files. i try to figure out how to do that... hopefully osmconvert will provide some ways - other wise i have to use another technique or what do you suggest. note. i am not familiar with much of the others - with java or java-script
If you struggle with osmconvert then try asking a question about osmconvert including what you have tried, what result you are expecting and what actual result or error message you got. Your current question is not very clear.
hello dear scai - many many thanks for the response. i ve added a update. You see i have made some efforts - and figured out which conditions i need to have in the osmconvert-request. i ve digged into the man-pages. and i have found out that we can use the timestamp to do the magic. Additionally - i want to exclude all the new records (that are within ) the new time-zone of let me say one or two weeks - which have no website... so this will limit the results to a minimum - note we ve got (sometimes )a rate of 1 -to-10 percent of records that contain a website. so we need to take 1000 records
if we take the timestamp that lies in the past let me say the last one or two weeks - then we usually gather more than 1000 records (in the global file) - and if wie drop all those records that do not contain a website - then we get - approx 100 in the results... what do you say? Now i try to make the posting above a bit more concrete. And i would be more than happy if you can show me how i got stuck - so that i can finally go there and write down the full osmconvert request. - Scai i look forward to any and all help - greetings say helloi
I'm not a friend of editing the question over and over again. This doesn't make things clearer.
hmm - i understand. what should i do now... i think that i have some dificulties in expressing the necesary conditions in a osmconvert-request. the tooolchain is a bit tricky - what do you say. in short; i need to gather the latest 100 records from south america - best would be a relatively full dataset (therefore in want to exclude all non-website-records) .... Guess that i need to add a timestamp into the search-request. BTW - did not take into account if this would be gained with overpasss-api - too