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Hi there,

I am making a video game, and while I was surfing the internet I saw a video which converts OSM map data to 3D models. I think it I could use something like this for making games, but I do not understand the commercial license if I use it for such a purpose.

What I saw was fairly simple, export the map and use OSM2WORLD. The output format is a ".obj" which I modify in a 3D application. The model I want is very small, I can make the same model, but it might take longer than if I get a predefined basic model.

The model structure is the only thing I will use, I will add proprietary game logic, textures, characters, and complex algorithms which will be developed for commercial use.

I do not have a database which I can make available, nor do I have the OSM data after building the model. The model I use will not be available publically. The model along with the proprietary content will be available publically, and for a price.

I will attribute OSM and OSM2WORLD, for the map data and model. Is it possible to use the data and service as stated above ?

I was hoping I could get the answer for this before I start the project, if any of the above stated requirements is not possible I will make the model myself with the proprietary pictures I have.

Kind regards

asked 30 Jun '14, 08:36

hypnotic%20meteor's gravatar image

hypnotic meteor
accept rate: 0%

edited 30 Jun '14, 08:48

OSM2World maintainer here. I'll try to answer this to the best of my ability, but keep in mind that I have no influence over the licensing terms of OSM data. So here we go:

According to the ODbL, the license OSM is currently using, an important legal distinction when you make things from OSM data is whether those things are "produced works" or "derivative databases". Basically, you can license produced works as you want, including under commercial, non-open terms. There are a few examples of produced works, such as images or sounds, that are definitely considered produced works, but many other types of content are not listed and therefore open to interpretation.

I personally believe that a 3D model in a format like .obj – a format which is clearly designed for visualization, not for reverse engineering the original data – can be considered a produced work. Based on this interpretation, you can indeed do what you intend to do, and attribution will be your only obligation.

As for textures: Creating your own is certainly sensible to give your game an unique atmosphere and ensure consistent quality. But if you want to use some of the textures offered as a download from the OSM2World website, you can do so without any legal restrictions. They are made available under the very liberal CC0 terms.

So, to sum this up, I believe that there are no legal obstacles for your plan, and I would be happy to see it implemented!

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answered 30 Jun '14, 15:00

Tordanik's gravatar image

accept rate: 35%

Perfect. Worth the wait.

(30 Jun '14, 15:15) hypnotic meteor

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question asked: 30 Jun '14, 08:36

question was seen: 4,334 times

last updated: 30 Jun '14, 15:15

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