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Along my thesis I need to use a map of beijing with the street names. I tried to convert the OSM file to dwg and shp with FME but there is no street names in the files - i turned all layers on.

Do I do anything wrong or can you help with how to find them?

Thanks in advance!

asked 28 Jun '14, 15:49

TONY1202's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Although there are, of course, many places in Beijing without streetnames, I can see street names here, so if the data's in OSM but FME loses it on the way, then I'd ask the FME people about it.

Presumably you really, really want an AutoCAD format for a reason?

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answered 28 Jun '14, 16:09

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

Yes but i see street names on almost all the roads when you select the area you want. But is there any other ways to extract the street names?

Yes i would prefer DWG.

(28 Jun '14, 16:12) TONY1202

But even if i convert into .AI , i don't see the names.

(28 Jun '14, 16:14) TONY1202

Can you give an example of a street name which does have a name on the OSM map but doesn't have a name after your export / convert it?

(28 Jun '14, 16:26) SomeoneElse ♦

Chenguang jie. In general I don't see any text at all in the dwg file after conversion.

(28 Jun '14, 16:30) TONY1202

Chenguang jie is chenguang street :)

(28 Jun '14, 16:51) TONY1202

Well if the name's in OSM but not in the .dwg after you've exported it, you need to talk to the authors of FME. It's not an OSM problem.

How exactly are you expecting the name to appear in the DWG? As a formatted text label, or somehow as an attribute of the the line representing the street?

(29 Jun '14, 00:30) SomeoneElse ♦
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question asked: 28 Jun '14, 15:49

question was seen: 7,109 times

last updated: 29 Jun '14, 00:30

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