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I downloaded a map from openstreetmap, I can charge e see this map in BaseCamp, but I'm not getting to transfer this map to my GPS garmin Montana 650

asked 27 Jun '14, 20:13

Carlos's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 28 Jun '14, 00:54

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦


There have been quite a lot of similar questions in the past (including at least one today!) - if you search for "Garmin" or "Montana" or "Basecamp" you should find something helpful.

(27 Jun '14, 20:44) SomeoneElse ♦

If you can see osm in basecamp then the problem is between basecamp and your Montana, not osm. So just re read garmins instructions and try again and again...

(28 Jun '14, 09:12) andy mackey

Could this be due to Windows not displaying the file extension causing the file to be inadvertently sent to the Garmin as gmapsupp.img.img instead of the file ending in just one .img extension ?

(28 Jun '14, 12:21) nevw

If you think it might be a Garmin problem instead of an osm problem you could try asking for help on this forum

(28 Jun '14, 14:04) nevw

Using Javawa device manager I see this list of maps (all are .img files) on the etrex and after selecting an individual map, I can rename using the 'edit name' button

alt text

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answered 11 Jul '14, 02:43

nevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

edited 11 Jul '14, 02:45

I can see the same list of maps, with same differences: In the row "contain maps"appear "(none)",; in the row "Map set name" (what I want to change) appear "OSM Generic Rotable" (for all maps); When I select a line, the buttons "visible iin BC", "edit name" and "move"are not available

(13 Jul '14, 18:40) Carlos

The map that I download (OSM generic routable(Haiti_13_06_2014) hás an extension .gmap. Is this the problem? How coul I change this extension to .img?

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answered 29 Jun '14, 16:14

Carlos's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


You shouldnt change this extension, thats not gonna work. This gmap version is for Basecamp only. Send the map with Basecamp to your device, see Or download the from the download link that you've received and put this img on your gps.

(29 Jun '14, 21:46) ligfietser

Thanks everybody,

I tried to download another map from OSM (directly, without a link received by email) and It was easy. I don't know why the first map came with a different extension but, anyway, I Got! doubts I download 2 differents maps and I renamed each map with the name of the location. I did this im my Mac with no problem. Is it posible to do the same with the maps in the Montana 650? It means, in my GPS the names of the differents maps are the same: OSM generic routable. If I'll download more maps to GPS (and I want to do this) It'll be difficult to active the map that i'm looking for

(30 Jun '14, 00:29) Carlos

You can use the JaVaWa Device Manager to rename the maps on your Montana

(30 Jun '14, 00:51) nevw

@Carlos: You can change the GPS-displayed map names. Also see What if I have an existing gmapsupp.img file? for a different how-to.

(01 Jul '14, 02:53) aseerel4c26 ♦

I downloaded the JaVaWa Device Manager, but when I click at the name of the map, the option "rename" is not available. I can see the different names of files , but all of them with the same set name

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answered 10 Jul '14, 20:10

Carlos's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 27 Jun '14, 20:13

question was seen: 13,048 times

last updated: 13 Jul '14, 20:05

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum