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How do I change a mislabelled driveway from Holman Road or Sunset Road to the correct i.d. of 333 Upper Troy Road, Fitzwilliam, NH?

asked 25 Jun '14, 17:52

Deb%20Short%20Holman's gravatar image

Deb Short Ho...
accept rate: 0%

It is very frustrating for our 333 Upper troy Rd private driveway to be called Holman Road when there already is a Holman Road in Fitzwilliam, and TT trucks try to make deliveries to the wrong address...or to be mistakenly called Sunset Road because our driveway appears to be an extension of it (but isn't...)and have to chase down all of the seasonal visitors of Sunset Road to set them straight!

(25 Jun '14, 17:56) Deb Short Ho...

I'm guessing your house is located here. Then the road north of your house is called Holman Road on OSM, Holman Road on Google Maps and Holman Road AND Sunset Road on Bing Maps. Your private driveway doesn't seem to be mapped on OSM. According to you, where is Holman Road located?

(25 Jun '14, 20:19) TheOddOne2

Not only that, the State of New Hampshire's GIS also names that road Holman Road and Sunset Road, which is probably where Goofball and Bing got the data from in the first place, and probably where TIGER got it from (which was then imported into OSM).

So, Deb, the place you need to start with is your county commission or state Geographic Information System manager.

(25 Jun '14, 21:38) Jack the Ripper

Hi it’s the quickest way to do it yourself, but start reading the beginners guide ,the second chapter Contributing to OSM, If you use Potlach 2 or ID the result of your work will be visible almost immediately. Welcome and keep mapping

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answered 25 Jun '14, 20:12

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

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question asked: 25 Jun '14, 17:52

question was seen: 3,673 times

last updated: 25 Jun '14, 21:38

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