I would like to use OpenStreetMaps for a touristic panel, but there is too much information on it. Is there a way to click away too much info (like street names, buildings, etc....) |
The question is quite common and has been answered many times. What you want to do is not "remove data", but instead "display only what I want" For a small area one of the best ways to do that is to use maperitive http://maperitive.net/ and modify one of the existing styles to do what you want, a bit more involved would be doing the same with TileMill. A roughly generalized work flow is OSM data -> renderer -> output ^ | map style Essentially what you are asking for is a point and click editor for a map style file, which I believe currently does not exist in OSM space. A potential workaround might be to get the area you are interested in as SVG file (use the share button on openstreetmap.org) and edit that with your faviourite editor (for example Inkscape). I wouldn't however recommend that for anything except a small area. In no circumstances should you try to remove data from the OSM database. 1
I have looked at all the different ways of 'display only what I want' - Maperitive is for PC (I'm using Mac), others involve coding (which I don't do), others just don't work or give text files with code... If the question comes up regularly, isn't there a simple software that does the trick ? Isn't there a way in OSM to 'simply' click out (google earth style) all the unnecessary info and get the 'basic map' ?
(24 Jun '14, 20:03)
unfortunately not, because OpenStreepMap is just a simple database with geographic data. All the layout on openstreetmap.org is just one possibility among many how to display that data. Maybe you can try http://umap.openstreetmap.fr ... it is said to be the most google-like OSM web service in these days.
(24 Jun '14, 21:45)
@iBeaken "others involve coding" neither Maperitive nor TileMill requires programming (both require editing quite simple text files).
(25 Jun '14, 06:29)
Please enter "own style" in the search box og this FAQ site. There have been similar Questions and hints about your aim. |
Companies like Mapbox or Cloudmade allows their customers to personalize their webmap. Tilemill shouldn't necessitate coding. |
You may be more happy with Humanitaran layer - see http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=13/50.2939/18.8325&layers=H It was designed as base layer for additional markers. |
Have you tried looking at one of the other layers (the Mapquest Open one, for example)?
I have, but I would like to have a map with less data. example : I would like to get rid of the names of the shops... and some street names. But it doesn't seem possible ?