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Hello, I receive the email from,with the link for download the map but it don't work? I tried several time but it the same. this is a link:

Please, could you help me. regards

asked 21 Jun '14, 12:42

yvondu85's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 21 Jun '14, 13:41

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦


Link works ok here. Can you please be a bit more specific about "it don't work"?

(21 Jun '14, 12:57) mmd

I think you requested the maps from
I managed to download the file ok from the link given above and after unzipping I got a gmapsupp 2.img which is about 18MB.
Which map are you trying to download?
You would be best to ask this question at the osm forum in the "Garmin Maps" section which is monitored closely by the people who developed and maintain this osm Garmin maps service.

permanent link

answered 21 Jun '14, 13:10

nevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

edited 21 Jun '14, 13:12

Hello, when are you doing for download the file ? the link doesn't work ?

(21 Jun '14, 13:35) yvondu85

When I click on the link you have listed above it takes me to a page like this where I am able to choose the particular files I need. Does this happen for you? If not, I don't know what the problem is but the link given appears to work fine. I was then able to download and unzip the one I choose (

Could there be Computer Administrator restrictions on which sites you can visit?

alt text

permanent link

answered 21 Jun '14, 13:49

nevw's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%


I don't understand because le link here work, but in my email box the link doesn't work, it is a mistake

(21 Jun '14, 13:59) yvondu85

Not sure if you have solved the problem? If you copy the link from your email box and paste it directly into your browser it may work.

(21 Jun '14, 14:16) nevw

So the problem is solved now?

(21 Jun '14, 23:01) aseerel4c26 ♦

unfortunately no...

(22 Jun '14, 14:02) yvondu85

Sounds like a problem with your email program.

(22 Jun '14, 14:11) SomeoneElse ♦

Instead of using your email program you could try accessing your email from web and try the link there. For example, i normally access my email on the mac using the mail app but i can also go to and log in and view the gmail emails there too and download stuff. Another option would be to try a different browser like Firefox. Also try starting your machine safe mode and try again as that may knockout a few of the progs that may interfere.

(22 Jun '14, 14:40) nevw

@yvondu85: okay, but what is your problem now? You can download the map with the link you posted here, right?

(23 Jun '14, 00:39) aseerel4c26 ♦

My problem is solved, I used a new email box and the link works.

Many thanks for your help.

(23 Jun '14, 21:16) yvondu85

That's great - you can now choose whichever of @nevw's answers you prefer as the accepted answer (click the tick below one answer or the other).

(23 Jun '14, 21:59) SomeoneElse ♦
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question asked: 21 Jun '14, 12:42

question was seen: 8,283 times

last updated: 23 Jun '14, 21:59

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum